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Wellbeing sessions @ Telenet

Hi, welcome at this page that is dedicated for everyone working at Telenet. Together with our team we have inspired you regarding mental resilience, the great glass elevator, your brain and your team’s energy. We hope you are implementing some of our insights and that you experience the effects!

Here, you can find extra material so as to inspire you in the coming months. Feel free to absorb everything for yourself and use these materials as conversation starters during your team meetings.

Wishing you lots of energy in the months to come!
The Better Minds at Work team

Extra material


What have you done today to keep your brain fit?

In times of information overload and continuous connectivity, we have to be more resilient than ever. And while we do invest in keeping our body healthy, we often forget our most valuable and unique asset: our brain.

In this episode, we explain why it is so important to take good care of your brain. So that you can learn how to influence your brain yourself.

  • Overcome your brain’s resistance and challenge yourself to make your brain stronger.
  • Through each session in this masterclass you will receive insights and practical tips to immediately strengthen your brain.
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A wandering mind

In this session we will uncover hidden secrets in our brain. Things you haven’t thought about before, but that have a major impact on the way you feel, think and behave.

Actually, if you apply the insights of this session, you’ll hopefully find yourself experiencing life differently. You will be able to detect your negative, irrational or stressful thoughts and turn them upside down!

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Can we have your attention please?

Focus! It’s sometimes quite difficult to do just one thing at the time, isn’t it? Get inspiration to find your focus again! You will understand why we, as human beings, are addicted to multitasking and have difficulties to focus. You will get tips and tricks how to achieve focus, as it will not only makes you more peaceful but also increases your productivity.

“Is it already that late?”, You say amazed. Chances are that you have just experienced a moment of flow: the feeling that you are completely absorbed in an activity while forgetting everything around you. According to a study, people who experience flow are happier and healthier. Though there is work to be done, our desire for continuous stimuli makes flow difficult to reach. Fortunately, you can learn to train your flow. Find out how below!

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Watch this episode about focus

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Watch this episode about flow


Finding your why

Get inspired to get close to your intrinsic motivation. The emotional sauce of resilience. Resilience also implies actively searching for what gives meaning in your life, what intrinsically motivates you. That what makes your heart beats faster, makes your eyes twinkle.

The most important question in life is not what we do, but why we do it. We are often more concerned with our rabbits, our issues of the day that we feel we need to react upon, than with our Why, while that just keeps us standing in challenging times. In sum, increasing your intrinsic motivation can make you more resilient during times of stress.

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Podcasts for curious minds

Ontdek in onze podcast inspirerende interviews, nieuwe inzichten en praktische tools. Want werken aan je mentaal kapitaal is een must om de toekomst sterker, succesvoller en gelukkiger tegemoet te gaan.

Versterk je mentale veerkracht
Weg van het piekeren met Filip Raes



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