Do you want to support the growth of individual employees or teams? Our team is ready to coach your people in all kinds of issues relating to burnout, resilience and leadership. Options: preventive, curative and leadership coaching in which we will always look for the right match for your employees.
Employees can come to us for individual sessions in which we will coach them to handle their specific challenges proactively. The result: more energy and effectiveness, and mental problems are nipped in the bud. Curative coaching is also possible for recovery and reintegration after burnout.
To make sure the effect of an intervention is sustainable, team coaching is often desirable. Even if a team has reached an impasse, we can assist with peer support/mediation/conflict management.
We give (prospective) managers advice on how to handle specific challenges in their team and act as a sounding-board for the manager to test specific actions. For executive coaching, we can select a coach who is a member of a management team.
An external coach in-house
The coaches from better minds at work can hold a monthly surgery at your company to coach your employees on their challenges. We will do this in line with your corporate strategy. Contact us to discuss the options.
Do you want to train some employees to become coaches themselves? Contact us to find out the options.
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