We will give advice on how you as an organisation can set out an HR policy for the year 2022. What HR ingredients will make your company future-proof? We will develop a wellbeing policy with you, zoom further in on the prevention of and reintegration after burnout and keep a finger on the pulse of stress and energy.
Human Capital Scan
Better Minds at Work offers a psychosocial stress risk analysis. Companies are obliged by Belgian law to identify their psychosocial stress risk factors.
View Human Capital ScanFocus policy
Do you have questions about whether or not to draw up guidelines on connectivity? How do you as a company or supervisor deal with flex work and “the right to unavailability or deconnection”?
View focus policyWellbeing policy
Do you want to set up a new wellbeing policy in your organisation? A policy that goes further than preventing stress and burnout? Our consultants will help you on the way.
View wellbeing policy