Stress Detection for executives
Part 1: Stress detection in your team
During this workshop managers are specifically trained in detecting stress signals and symptoms in their team. We will discuss what stress is and what the different starting forms and gradations are, in yourself and in others and give special attention to the impact of a hybrid work environment. We provide concrete tools to assess signals, symptoms and risk factors and this within the different phases of stress and burn-out. The session includes various exercises and mutual discussion, resulting in a lot of knowledge about the problem in itself. Your leaders need to walk the talk!
Part 2: Stress prevention in your team
During the second part of the workshop, supervisors gain insight into their own role and possible intervention strategies within the four levels: primary, secondary, tertiary (what if the employee fails) prevention and reintegration (preventing relapse, quaternary prevention). Then we get to work: each manager makes a compass for actions that he / she will do within the own team within the framework of prevention; we look at the ‘circle of impact’ and exchange ideas about the challenges of our own work floor. Extra attention is also given to the transition to the new normal and hybrid working environment. Concrete tips and tricks not only to guide your employees but also to apply yourself, after all: leadership by example!