Embassy of Canada to Belgium and Luxembourg - Better Minds at Work Skip to main content

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Dear Honorable Ambassador,

I’m grateful for the nice dinner after the Belgian-Canadian Ceremony at Maldegem. Even though my daughter slept a little less than expected, I had a great time and it was an honour to meet you and your wonderful family.

During our conversation we also discussed how your team would benefit from inspiration to cope with the challenges for our brain in this interesting digital era we live in.

I hereby present a first impression of the broad range of keynotes and workshops we offer. I’m happy to further discuss what you are looking for to make this tailor-made.

I’ve also send you a little present by post, the English version of my colleague’s book, Better Minds. I think this will interest you. Enjoy the reading when you find a little bit of time in between all the appointments.


Anneleen De Lille - Better Minds at Work

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