Kennisdeling is één van onze belangrijkste waarden.
Indien je onze boeken wilt aankopen voor je medewerkers, dan bieden wij je graag een groepsprijs aan. Contacteer ons voor meer info.
Offerte voor Swift
Dear Xavier,
With respect to our contact, I propose you the keynotes and workshops who will fit with the goals of SWIFT;
- A golden state of mind
- Boost your energy
- Stress Detection
- Mental Capital
I also add more information about individual coaching.
We are looking forward to strengthen the Mental Capital of the people at SWIFT.
Best regards,
Dominique Monami - Better Minds at Work
With respect to our contact, I propose you the keynotes and workshops who will fit with the goals of SWIFT;
- A golden state of mind
- Boost your energy
- Stress Detection
- Mental Capital
I also add more information about individual coaching.
We are looking forward to strengthen the Mental Capital of the people at SWIFT.
Best regards,
Dominique Monami - Better Minds at Work