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Activate the entire mental capital of

your organisation

Your employees are your most important capital. Investing in their well-being and growth will create an upward spiral and put your organisation on the map for the future. Better Minds at Work wants to be your partner in this positive move and support you in realising your ambitions.

Through professional advice, training, inspiration sessions and executive and other coaching we are fully committed to providing what is essential for the success of your organisation. This includes policy and strategy, well-being, vitality and enthusiasm, talent and competency development, and customer focus and productivity.

Our trademark? Translating scientific theories into a fresh and accessible day-to-day approach: from insight to impact. Because we want to make the difference and be the best at what we do. Isn’t this what you want, too?

Four pillars

Better Minds at Work offers four different pillars that can be applied together or separately. We want to inspire your employees and encourage them to grow. We will be pleased to accompany you through transformation and will be your compass along the way. And lastly, but no less importantly, we want to form a community of like-minded people (to be). Because Better Minds think alike.

A team of experts

At Spadel, we were looking for a reliable partner who was able to combine our ‘new’ hybrid working models with a strong wellbeing component.
A policy by the people, for the people.
I can only recommend the professionalism and high expertise that Better Minds at Work can offer during this important transition. Not only acting as an active partner, but also understanding the specificities of our company and its needs. The policy is reflecting all what we stand for in terms of values, and where we want to go in terms of company in which people are our most important capital. We are very happy with the outcome of our policy and Better Minds at Work did contribute to its success!

Eveline SpranghGroup Talent Manager & Internal Communications, Spadel

The team of Better Minds at Work are helping BESIX worldwide to create a company where Resilience is not only being preached, but also trained and supported. They deliver great insight in how managers and employees can focus on what truly matters, be attentive to detect those that need our help more and how everybody can become more resilient through balance and taking care of each other. Read more about this program here.

Geert AelbrechtHR Director BESIX Group

Virginie Dua was our keynote speaker during our 4th Sanofi EU Marketing & Sales Meeting last May in Paris. Our team of 80 international members was very enthusiastic about her performance throughout the meeting. Virginie understood the aim of our meeting all too well and prepared a session that exceeded our expectations. She has a style that I can describe best as being enthusiastic, creative, and spontaneous. She shares her insights on the brain and mental energy in a very practical way and is agile throughout her sessions and interacts with the audience in the best way possible. Virginie can attract the attention of the entire audience and with her knowledge she is able to receive a lot of respect. On top of the that, many international teams followed her call to action and are already installing methods to work in a more energizing and brain-friendly way. I can definitely recommend Virginie Dua and in general, Better Minds at Work.

Marie-Laure SimonartCommercial Director Europe MS, Sanofi

Elke is one of those rare talented people that have the capability to integrate research findings and real-life examples into clear insights and practical recommendations. She does this at ease as well in her books and in her real-life contributions. Thanks to her enthusiasm and knowhow resilience becomes a touchable, concrete thing that matters, not only in what we think but for sure in what we can do. 'Rabbits and elephants are from now on different animals.'

Jan Van AcoleyenHR Director Proximus
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More possibilities with Better Minds at Work

What makes Better Minds at Work unique


Our network of experts covers every niche of human capital. They will dedicate themselves to sharing their expertise with you.


We will enter into a partnership with your organisation. Expect a tailored approach with a sustainable impact.

One-stop shop

We offer a broad range of services and products so that we can provide a holistic approach to your human capital.

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