Deconnect to Reconnect - Better Minds at Work Skip to main content

Workshop Deconnect to Reconnect

Topic: Focus

Deconnect to Reconnect: Insights to maximize your brain in a busy environment

We work in a hyper-connected world. Throughout the day, our attention is hijacked by yet another meeting, video calls, messages, …  While Steve Jobs’ vision was ‘any time, any place’, in practice we connect ‘everywhere, all the time’.  This with no ’empty space’ in the day to think and refuel.

Being ‘always-on’ has a negative impact on our wellbeing. How can we turn this around? How can we de-connect to re-connect?

Book this workshop

During this workshop we make everyone aware of their connective behavior and its impact on the brain. You can expect concrete tips & tricks on how to disconnect, both digitally as well as mentally.

  • We think about the concept of ‘disconnection’. What does this mean for you?
  • What explains your behavior? We can see the notifications, we hear the ‘beeps’, but what lies below the surface?
  • Finding the balance between connecting and disconnecting is a joint responsibility. We discuss ways to approach disconnection both on an individual as well as on a team level.
  • We look for ways to make new habits stick!

How can you disconnect from the digital world and connect with what is really important to you? That is what this workshop is all about!

What will you come away with?

  • Insight into the impact of (de)connection on your brain. What explains our (digital) behavior, and how to get a grip on it again?
  • Insights into hybrid working and how you can optimize this for yourself and your team.
  • You strengthen your mental skills. You regain control of your brain.
  • Practical tools for a digital balance, without losing productivity, on the contrary!
  • Insights into how to work together in a brain-friendly way 
  • Call to action to create sustainable change in your team and embed brain-friendly working in your teams DNA. 
Book this workshop

Be part of this movement towards brain-friendly working! Highly recommended to become more aware of yourself and your team in these digital times and use your brain optimally in these busy and demanding times!

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