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Offerte voor Unilever FS
Dear Sophie,
I really enjoyed our energizing conversation about possible collaboration with each other. Below I have described several offerings regarding a) support of your leadership team, b) workshops for young moms and dads regarding work/life integration, and c) sessions on self-confidence.
Let’s discuss later this week how we can finetune this to your expectations. I look forward to your feedback!
Dr. Elke Geraerts
CEO Better Minds at Work
I really enjoyed our energizing conversation about possible collaboration with each other. Below I have described several offerings regarding a) support of your leadership team, b) workshops for young moms and dads regarding work/life integration, and c) sessions on self-confidence.
Let’s discuss later this week how we can finetune this to your expectations. I look forward to your feedback!
Dr. Elke Geraerts
CEO Better Minds at Work