Kennisdeling is één van onze belangrijkste waarden.
Indien je onze boeken wilt aankopen voor je medewerkers, dan bieden wij je graag een groepsprijs aan. Contacteer ons voor meer info.
Offerte voor BCG
Dear Karem,
Thank you for your interest in Better Minds at Work.
We had already the pleasure to work together in the last few years. We gave keynotes about Digital Balance, Sleep, Boost your energy and Mental Capital.
As part of the “well-being at work” initiatives, we offer BCG this time workshops to have a maximum impact on all employees of Boston Consulting Group in 2020.
The following workshops have drawn your attention:
- Mental Capital;
- Stress Detection;
- Digital Balance;
- Move your brain : get focused;
- Healthy food;
- Work life integration.
We are looking forward to your feedback and hope to continue our inspirational collaboration.
Best regards,
Valerie Destombes - Customer Success Associate Better Minds at Work
Thank you for your interest in Better Minds at Work.
We had already the pleasure to work together in the last few years. We gave keynotes about Digital Balance, Sleep, Boost your energy and Mental Capital.
As part of the “well-being at work” initiatives, we offer BCG this time workshops to have a maximum impact on all employees of Boston Consulting Group in 2020.
The following workshops have drawn your attention:
- Mental Capital;
- Stress Detection;
- Digital Balance;
- Move your brain : get focused;
- Healthy food;
- Work life integration.
We are looking forward to your feedback and hope to continue our inspirational collaboration.
Best regards,
Valerie Destombes - Customer Success Associate Better Minds at Work