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Offerte voor Swift
Dear Ann,
I would like to thank you again for reaching out to Better Minds at Work regarding the workshop Hunting Elephants, Chasing Rabbits & Eating Frogs. It was a pleasure to talk to you over the phone and to hear about all initiatives taken by Swift on the Mental Capital theme.
As mentioned, AGILITY isn’t just a trendy word anymore. In that context, I am really happy to introduce our Hunting Elephants, Chasing Rabbits & Eating Frogs workshop to you as an introduction and awareness session on strategic use of time.
Please enjoy the following offer and feel free to contact us for any further information.
Kind regards,
Virginie Dua - Better Minds at Work
I would like to thank you again for reaching out to Better Minds at Work regarding the workshop Hunting Elephants, Chasing Rabbits & Eating Frogs. It was a pleasure to talk to you over the phone and to hear about all initiatives taken by Swift on the Mental Capital theme.
As mentioned, AGILITY isn’t just a trendy word anymore. In that context, I am really happy to introduce our Hunting Elephants, Chasing Rabbits & Eating Frogs workshop to you as an introduction and awareness session on strategic use of time.
Please enjoy the following offer and feel free to contact us for any further information.
Kind regards,
Virginie Dua - Better Minds at Work