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Indien je onze boeken wilt aankopen voor je medewerkers, dan bieden wij je graag een groepsprijs aan. Contacteer ons voor meer info.
Offerte voor Franki Foundations
Dear Marie,
Thank you very much for contacting me and giving us the opportunity to make a proposal.
Based on the information you shared with me, I have attached a preliminary proposal which can be fully tailored to your specific needs.
As a first step and building on our telephone call, it would be beneficial to organise an intake meeting with Wim Claesen to gain his input based on this proposal and take it from there.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Warm regards,
Marijke Van Moldergem - Leadership trainer and executive coach
Thank you very much for contacting me and giving us the opportunity to make a proposal.
Based on the information you shared with me, I have attached a preliminary proposal which can be fully tailored to your specific needs.
As a first step and building on our telephone call, it would be beneficial to organise an intake meeting with Wim Claesen to gain his input based on this proposal and take it from there.
Looking forward to your feedback.
Warm regards,
Marijke Van Moldergem - Leadership trainer and executive coach