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Offerte voor AXA Academy
Dear Rachel, Dear Manuela,
With respect to the call with colleague Katrien Van Ostaede, I herewith send you our proposal for an interactive training on Priority Management & Resilience for the AXA employees.
Our proposal is, as you will see, mainly in Dutch. Nevertheless, we offer the training session in Dutch, French or English.
We are looking forward to your feedback and of course, our trainers are always open to answer your questions if applicable.
Best regards,
An Verheyen - Better Minds at Work
With respect to the call with colleague Katrien Van Ostaede, I herewith send you our proposal for an interactive training on Priority Management & Resilience for the AXA employees.
Our proposal is, as you will see, mainly in Dutch. Nevertheless, we offer the training session in Dutch, French or English.
We are looking forward to your feedback and of course, our trainers are always open to answer your questions if applicable.
Best regards,
An Verheyen - Better Minds at Work