Elke Geraerts - Better Minds at Work
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Elke Geraerts

As a doctor of psychology Elke held academic positions at the universities of Harvard, St. Andrews, Maastricht, Rotterdam and recently Ghent. She wanted to spread her scientific knowledge broadly and therefore founded Better Minds at Work in 2014. Elke aspires to a ‘mental revolution’, in which the entire team of Better Minds at Work spreads indispensable knowledge about mental resilience across all sectors, functions, generations and cultures. Although Elke is best known as a keynote speaker and author (of, among others, Better Minds and Focus is the New Gold), she is first and foremost a conversation partner for each client and knows how to translate psychological insights into fresh and accessible day-to-day applications for individuals and organisations.


Focus is the New Gold

How to Reduce Stress and Increase Productivity in a Distracted World

How many times today have you been distracted from what you really wanted to do? We live in a world of constant connectivity, where distraction lurks around every corner. Our endless to-do lists and packed schedules are a merciless reflection of the chaos in our minds: we are constantly in overdrive, and our focus is completely lost. It’s no wonder that stress and burnout rates are at an all-time high.

Yet, we know more than ever what we need to remain resilient and healthy. However, our overstimulated brains seem unable to process all that knowledge, let alone put it into practice.

Elke Geraerts inspires with her keynote tailored to a generation without attention. She combines powerful insights with practical tools that are immediately applicable. Her goal? To sharpen your focus once again. Not only by making us work more efficiently and attentively, but also – and most importantly – by teaching us how to deliberately unfocus. Are you ready for a mental revolution? Then this keynote is a must-see!

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The New Now

Building resilience in a world where change is the only constant

Change can be challenging, but times of uncertainty also provide a unique opportunity for organisations to demonstrate resilience and emerge stronger. In this highly topical speech Elke Geraerts shares her profound insights in how organisations and people may manage to seize this opportunity. She explains why it is time to put employee health and wellbeing at the top of the C-suite’s strategic agenda, and how this may help in responding to new work paradigms. With her background in neuroscience, Elke points towards new ways to equipping leaders and employees with the mental, emotional, and social skills needed to not just cope, but adapt and thrive. Make sure to experience Elke’s speech and find out how we can build resilience in our careers, leaders, and organizations so we can better plan for and respond to the accelerated future of work.

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Mental Resilience

How to strengthen resilience and empower your brain

We are living in volatile times and this has a huge impact on how we live and work. Especially in these challenging times it is important to keep our heads above water and be resilient. In this keynote Elke shares her insights on mental resilience and how we can deal swiftly with any challenge. Expect an eye opener that makes it crystal clear that investing in your own brain leads to more agility, energy and happiness and less stress. With the #1 bestseller Better Minds as a common thread, you learn how your brain exactly works and you discover techniques to strengthen your energy and focus and to get through this time with sufficient motivation. In a 48-hour challenge, Elke will push you to apply a number of tips and tricks in practice straight away. A must-see to thrive in these volatile times!

Based on the bestseller Better Minds

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Courageous leadership

Transform to human-centred leadership

As the work environment changes, so must leadership. The shifts of social and political turbulence, the merging of work and private life and flexible work arrangements are redefining the dynamic between leader and employee to a human-to-human relationship. And that requires timely skills.

As a leader, how can you make the difference in a world where change is the only constant? In this keynote, Elke Geraerts will tell you the ins and outs of human-centred leadership, defined as leading with authenticity, empathy, and adaptability. These traits have for some time been ranked among the most important qualities of great leaders – but they were mostly considered a nice to have. Today, they are required.

With her background in neuroscience, Elke shares insights that can have a huge impact on your self-leadership, your guts, resilience and focus, as well as on how you connect with your team members and embrace (neuro)diversity and establish psychological safety as a solid foundation. Join us on a leadership journey and discover how you dare to lead!

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Authentic Intelligence

How to future-proof yourself and your team

The COVID-19 pandemic has been accelerating the digital revolution and is creating an earlier-than-expected tipping point that is likely to transform business forever. Hence the voices asking whether we humans can still compete against robots and artificial intelligence are getting louder. In this highly topical speech, Elke points out that it is time to demystify technology and to shift the focus back onto human beings. She examines which uniquely human qualities can be used to secure our professional future, and which assets you really should embed in your organization’s DNA if you want to ensure your viability in this disruptive world. An inspiring presentation for organizations that already have both feet firmly planted in the future and want to use this pandemic as a transformational momentum.

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The Mental Reset

How hybrid work and life strengthen resilience

The polycrisis is kicking in and people are suffering from chronic stress and burn-out like never before. But what if we are able to embrace this crisis as an opportunity for true transformation? What if we reset our (unhealthy) habits so we can face challenges stronger than we ever did before? What if we take this momentum as a head start for ourselves, our teams and our organizations?

In this talk Elke inspires you with insights that you need to for a post-pandemic era. She shows you how hybrid work ánd life may render you more productivity, energy and inner peace at the same time. She takes the time with you to reflect on how this hybrid context strengthens resilience for yourself, your teams and your company and what implications it has for your company’s strategy. And on top of that, she shares her ideas about what you can exactly do to advance (self) leadership, to foster connection and psychological safety within your team, to focus on what really matters, and to touch the right future-proof chords. A must-experience if you want to get ready for a mental reset!

Based on Elke’s newest book The Mental Reset, that appeared in Dutch and in English.

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Safety first

Discover the power of psychological safety

Psychological safety: everyone is talking about it these days. Which begs the question: is this just another buzz word that has been initiated in the United States, or does the concept really deserve so much attention? Get convinced yourself of the value of psychological safety during this keynote by Elke Geraerts. After all, research shows that psychological safety promotes well-being, inclusion, and innovation. It establishes significant improvements in ownership, collaboration, learning, creativity, and performance. It is the driving force behind resilient and successful organisations. So there is every reason to fully focus on this crucial game changer.

Discover during this keynote what psychological safety means, why it is so important and learn how to create trust in the workplace by using concrete cases and tools. Moreover, what makes this keynote truly unique is the neuroscientific basis of Elke’s story. Don’t miss this keynote as psychological safety is the foundation of your resilient and successful team.

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View the book ‘Better Minds’ by Elke Geraerts

View the book ‘The Mental Reset’ by Elke Geraerts

View the book ‘Focus is the New Gold by Elke Geraerts


How others think about Elke Geraerts

Elke has the rare talent of combining scientific insights with our everyday struggles in life. From the moment Elke starts to speak, she is able to hold the audience’s attention. She takes you on a mental journey through our brain and teaches us to get the best out of ourselves. The ultimate 'Elke effect' is that everyone who attends continues to contact each other long after the presentation to talk about how their brain is. A warm, special and, above all, highly talented person whom I wholeheartedly recommend.

Elmas DudukOrganisational Strategist for the City of Amsterdam

Elke is one of those rare talents who can integrate research and practical examples into clear insights and practical recommendations. She does this in her books and in her real-life contributions. Thanks to her enthusiasm and expertise, resilience becomes a tangible, concrete thing that matters not only in what we think, but definitely in what we can do. From now on, we will look at rabbits and elephants differently.

Jan Van AcoleyenHR Directeur at Proximus

During her inspiring keynote talks, Elke seems to be constantly reflecting on our not so efficient way of working in times of ever more digital noise and digital pollution. But thanks to, among other things, the humor, the passion, the scientific insights and the variety with many practical tips, her lectures are not only 'entertaining' and 'infotaining', but above all personally very instructive and useful. In short: highly recommended.

Bart FransisHead of Equity Investments, Belfius Insurance

Elke is a highly motivated professional and can translate her expertise in mental resilience into a ready-to-use package for leaders and entrepreneurs willing to take the next step in coaching their teams. Her key notes provide a keen insight in how to tackle the current psychosocial challenges we face. I experienced her team of Better Minds at Work and the team of Energy Lab in a setting of "De Koplopers" where I participated in a group of 8 leaders who were mentally and physically challenged. The learnings out of these 2 days of coaching could be immediately implemented. Job well done!

Dirk Vander MierdeDirector Datwyler

Elke Geraerts gave a lecture about the brain in the framework of the Amsterdam week of Health for Personnel and Organization Advice. Her accessible narrative style, the practical applicability of her lecture and tips and the scientific foundation under her approach were ingredients for a very successful meeting. I heartily recommend Elke Geraerts as a speaker or supervisor of a change in your organization.

Liane PielanenDirecteur Personeel en Organisatieadvies - Gemeente Amsterdam

What a particularly inspiring speaker! Interesting story from start to finish, some facets already heard in previous readings by Elke, but always with other examples, all recognizable, in line with daily practice, and always fascinating! The result was a room full of (100+ participants!) medical specialists in training who enjoyed it to the fullest! Highly recommended!

Walther van MookMaastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum; Hoogleraar professionele ontwikkeling, Universiteit Maastricht

Elke was invited to speak for a theatre of 400 people. She is an excellent speaker! Like no other, she knows how to translate complex material and important messages into human language and to pack them with entertainment so that she can retain the attention of her listeners until the last second. She knows how to inspire and enthuse her audience. Her carefully selected visual material supports her story in a harmonious way. About Elkes messages is being talked about for a long time!

Ilse ClaerhoutMarketing Manager, Belfius

Elke gave her presentation on Mental Capital and the human brain for our colleagues at Van Havermaet. As we all know from Elke, it was again a very inspiring and haunting "journey" along the complex matter of our well-known gray matter. Her expertise, room for dialogue, funny yet recognizable examples and especially the application of the material specifically to our organization and for our colleagues made it a top moment for everyone. And the effect continues: especially when I am currently experiencing the many applications of Elke’s challenge with our colleagues. Highly recommended and we are already looking forward to the follow-up sessions of Elke and her colleagues.

Kristof MeestersAlgemeen Directeur van Havermaet

Last week we had the pleasure at Bayer to get a keynote presentation by Elke on "brain power" and "guts" in light of our Wellbeing program at Bayer. I can absolutely recommend this! Elke's talk is inspiring, engaging and full of energy. I really enjoyed it and got several new insights. We were all energised to take specific actions and already look forward to beginning of next year when she returns for the follow up talk!

Karine BuysHead of Talent Management Benelux Bayer

I had the pleasure of listening to Elke's vivid expose at a "Resilience Workshop" for BESIX in Dubai. For me personally, her workshop contained a number of “aha”-points and allowed me to connect some dots on certain challenges encountered in the daily work environment. I left the workshop with a number of insights (link between a boring situation -reptile/primitive brain - negativity - stress - unhealthy body), quotes ("Attention is the new scarce resource") and practical steps (bye bye email notifications on the phone). Her interesting and highly relevant presentation is the best invitation to read one of her books. Definitely worth some "focus"-time!

Peter LembrechtsManager Six Construct Dubai

Elke was able to inspire our company with a natural mix of academic insights and pragmatic declinations. She was able to find the right fit with our company culture in no time. By doing so she was able to connect with a broad audience. Her down to earth way of bringing the messages of the “CaliHero” and how to have the growth-mindset, really inspired me too. And on top of that she is a gifted speaker.

Christophe DegrezCEO Eneco Belgium

Disruptive. That is probably the single best word to describe the impact of my first meeting and interaction with Elke. First of all, no technology distractions when meeting with Elke at Better Minds at Work (laptops, screens, ...). Since I work at a high-tech R&D company (3500 engineers), this focus on interaction was the first sign of something different. More smiles too. From most meetings I participate in, I make sure I write down one impactful sentence. Meeting with Elke, I wanted to remember every sentence. It all made sense. Grounded in science, but applicable in daily life. Since I am working at developing technology for preventive health and behavior change, getting Elke’s (and Better Minds at Work's) insights, suggestions, feedback was an essential step in shaping our program. Evidently we invited her to speak at our next customer event, where she had a similar strong impact – this time on practically the entire audience. Thoughtprovoking. Yet so simple, to remember, to apply. You have to experience it for yourself – I highly recommend meeting Elke and the Better Minds at Work team.

Chris Van HoofSenior Director Imec

Elke has taken 1000 members of our bank into the secrets of our brain in a very inspiring and compelling way. A piece of (your) science with appealing and recognizable examples made the presentation very accessible to everyone. With a big and warm applause, Elke, as a surprise of the evening, was rewarded. We have received positive feedback from many customers about Elke's presentation and performance.

Edwin MeijerDirector Rabobank

Recently, Elke Geraerts and her team from Better Minds at Work have provided a course for the leaders of OLVG hospital. Mental resilience and energy of the employees were central to this. Lectures and work sessions alternated and brought the participants into contact with themselves and each other. Practical tools were provided in the work sessions to increase their own mental resilience. And the keynotes also provided the insight that attention and focus are necessary to move from strength in the continuously changing care landscape. Thank Elke and team for the extremely energetic and inspiring course.

Maurice van den BoschCEO OLVG Ziekenhuis Amsterdam

As an entrepreneur, Elke Geraerts understands better than anyone what the future challenges are for each manager. As an academic, she succeeds in inspiring that same manager in human language and making conscious choices. She understands like no other the art to captivate with clear, recognizable insights in which she easily unravels and unmasks a number of myths. The metaphors that she uses keep on sticking! Our executives are hunting elephants today and letting the rabbits be what they are! They now understand even better that guts is necessary to take their own future into their own hands and have grown mentally in a short period of time - huge thanks Elke.

Marc DezwartSenior Manager KBC

Elke Geraerts is at the top in her profession. A real professional. And besides, she succeeds in telling her story in a clear, structured and fascinating way. The key note she recently brought to our extensive Mamangement team landed extremely well. Elke manages to open eyes with her clearcut views and analyses and thus hence creates interesting discussions. Very nice - also when she talks about rabbits and elephants!

Hans WilmotsCEO of BDO België

Two years ago, Elke was referred to me when I was looking for a personnal coach. It was a match from the first session. Elke helped me to take some distance, look into the mirror and focus on what really matters. Her famous statement on "rabbits & elephants" nearly daily comes to my mind. In June 2017, we were pleased to have Elke as a key note speaker for the full BDO management team. During the 1-hour presentation on "no guts no glory" Elke brought a clear and simple message. The feedback from the participants was very positive. We all identified some take aways to improve our working environment and to better integrate our work into our lives. It's always a pleasure to talk to Elke and to read her books. Keep up the good work!

Veerle CatryPartner BDO Belgium

Elke and the team of Better Minds at Work are helping BESIX worldwide to create a company where Resilience is not only being preached, but also trained and supported. Elke delivers great insight in how managers and employees can focus on what truly matters, be attentive to detect those that need our help more and how everybody can become more resilient through balance and taking care of each other.

Geert AelbrechtChief Human Resources Office Besix Group
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