OFFERTE VOOR BPOST - Better Minds at Work Skip to main content

Offerte voor BPOST

Dear Ségolène,

In order to strengthen well-being at Bpost you would like to organise the workshop ‘Boost your energy’ 2 times in 2019.

In addition, you are developing a tailormade development program for ‘Young Graduates’. Based on what we discussed, I sent you herewith an overview of our workshops. Some of them could fit with the ‘graduates’ needs. Although it would even be stronger to develop tailormade workshops. The goal is to organise a 1-day training (with 2 workshops during 1 day). Since the group is too big we will have to split it in 2 (which implies that we give the same workshops during 2 days).

These workshops will be given in a combination of French/Dutch or in English.

Kind regards,

Kris Colpaert - Better Minds At Work

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